Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kirk Cameron Versus Charles Darwin

Earlier today, I stumbled upon an article on that was far more interesting than the usual inane celebrity gossip. The article, entitled Kirk Cameron Stands Behind Controversial Darwin Statements, talked about how Cameron (of Growing Pains and Fireproof fame) created copies of Charles Darwin's book Origin of the Species, with a 50 page introduction that picks apart Darwin's evolutionary theory and tries to lead people to the truth of Creationism and, ultimately, to salvation. Cameron and others are passing out copies of the book on college campuses, and I'm hoping that copies will also be available for purchase somewhere.

In true liberal media fashion, the author attempted to make it seem like Cameron's beliefs are outlandish. The article even quoted a professor from the University of California, Berkeley, who said: "The two kinds of people who believe that religion and evolution can not coexist are extreme atheists and extreme religious fundamentalists. Everyone else doesn't really have a problem. [A majority] of Americans believe that a belief in god is compatible with evolution."

Well, I hate to break it to that guy, but the heartbreaking reality is that the majority of Americans are also going to spend eternity in Hell. I'm even more convinced of the veracity of that statement after I Googled "Kirk Cameron, Origin of the Species" and saw some of the horrible comments about Cameron, Christianity and God that were posted on other websites. Like I said: heartbreaking.

I've debated whether or not I should be so blatantly honest about my beliefs in this blog. I'm far from perfect (ask Husband, my closest friends and my co-workers) and would hardly consider myself educated about the merits of creation vs. evolution. But to be honest, I don't really think that's the crux of the matter. Don't get me wrong, I believe that God created this world and everything in it (including us); but I don't think that someone will or won't go to heaven based on whether or not they believe in creation.

The real issue here is that more often than not, people who believe evolutionary theory do not believe in God, much less that Jesus was God's son who died to save us from our sins and eternal separation from God. There's a reason why John 3:16 is the first verse they have you memorize in Sunday School: "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

The message is that simple. All other beliefs pale in comparison to the greatness of knowing the Lord.

Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn

PS- I plan to purchase a copy of Cameron's refutation of Darwin's theory. I'll let you guys know where you can find it too.

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