I have to say, I had more fun looking through my old journals for this entry than I have had preparing for any post to date--not just the Letters To My Former Self series. I wrote the following entries between the ages of 8-11 years old (1992-1995). I haven't changed any spelling or grammar, and all I can say is: Enjoy!
Dear Diary,
February 4, 1992, 8 years old
Today I found out what sex is: A guy and a girl laying naked on top of each other. That's gross! Yuck!
February 8, 1993, 9 years old
I can't decide between Cory and Brandon. Who should I date? Cory is very matcho. So is Brandon. I guess Cory is my dicision: 1.) he's younger 2.) Brandon is not centimental.
April 4, 1993, 9 years old
Today was Sunday and as we all know, all I can think about is Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. He's really cute. Guess what he did? He said he liked me by body language. He sat by me.
February 23, 1994, 10 years old
I hate my dad and my mom! They said I can't shave my legs! You may think it's stupid, but if you don't shave your legs and your armpits and you don't wear a bra, you're not cool. I do wear a bra, but as far as the legs and the armpits, well, i dont do them. Please, please, please Mom and Dad, if you read this, let me shave my legs! If not, I might just do something I regret!
March 10, 1994, 10 years old
Today I went to practice for the speech contest and Georgie was sitting with me and he started making faces at me and I never could have been so happy in my life. I like him so much!

November 16, 1994, 10 years old
I get to shave my legs today!!
March 16, 1995, 11 years old
I am going to an Amy Grant concert, and I cannot wait! I am sooooooooooooooo excited! I get out of school early. I can't wait!! I am listening to House of Love as I write. I am soooooooooo excited!
March 19, 1995, 11 years old
Today I was flipping through the channels and I stopped at MTV which I don't watch except when Boyz to Men is on. Anyhow, I stopped and I was trying to figure out who this lady was on there and finally I saw that it was Madonna and I thought "AAHHHHHH" I would get in so much trouble if my parents knew I saw that!
By show of hands, how many of you would like to go back to a time when having a boy sit beside you or make faces at you meant he liked you, when an Amy Grant concert (literally) rocked your world, and your biggest fear was whether or not your parents saw you watching MTV? Did all of you raise your hand?
And yet, I remember wishing away the years and always wanting to be older and have more privileges (hence the intense desire to shave my legs). In fact, my mom says that on my birthdays, people would aske me how old I was, and I'd reply: "This year I'm three, but next year I'm going to be four."
Therefore, here's the advice I would give my 8-10 year old self. I feel confident that all of you would give similar advice:
- Sex (outside of marriage) is yucky!
- Guys mature slower than girls, so younger is not (always) better.
- Boys are simple. Don't over think their actions. If they sit by you, it was probably the only available seat and if they make faces at you, they probably had something in their teeth or an itchy nose.
- Shaving your legs is a pain in the a**. Believe me. There will come a day when you'll look forward to cold weather. If you have pants or tights on, no one can tell you haven't picked up a razor in three days.
- Madonna IS bad, and wait a few years: Amy Grant's House of Love will come tumbling down alongside Vince Gill.
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
I have no idea what happened to the font, and I can't fix it! Ugh!
ReplyDeleteHilarious, Jenn! Your blog is awesome! I think I missed an opportunity to talk to you a couple of weeks ago. :( I think of you daily... Looking forward to seeing you near the first of the year!
ReplyDeleteThis just seriously made me laugh out loud. Two naked people lying on top of each other. HA!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing.
most hilarious thing ever- LOVED!!
ReplyDeleteHow adorable!!! SO glad you posted those journal entries!
ReplyDeleteThanks guys! I really really enjoyed writing it! =)
ReplyDeleteJenn, this is too cute!! :)