Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Place, a Space and Some Words

I miss writing. Sure, I do it often enough on that other blog of mine...but I miss the free-form writing that can only come from having a sacred space to call your own. A space that's free from a brand or a business. A space where I can just be me. I used to journal regularly--as in every day regularly--but once I started blogging and engaging in conversation with others about things that were on my heart and theirs, I realized that I didn't want to horde my thoughts into one private book anymore.
So, inspired in large part by Dian Reid and her "secondary" blog, Dian Reid Writes, I decided to resurrect my old blogspot blog and start sharing more personal thoughts and opinions with all of you. Warning: I might say some things you don't agree with. I might not always be in a good mood. I might get personal. But we're all big girls and boys, so I trust we can all handle whatever it is my fingers my fly off the handle about.
One of the biggest reasons I brought Happily Ever After out of retirement was so I can participate in blog challenges like the one Dian is holding over at her place. She's asked people to write about 13 different topics for the month of June, including subjects like: compassion, intention, self-awareness, wisdom, etc. Many times, I sign up for a blog challenge and then realize that most of the topics I'm supposed to write about aren't in keeping with The Style Geek brand (whatever that is); so, I end up not participating in the challenge as much as I'd like to. (Sorry, Bindu Wiles and the #215800 crew.)
But as I said above, this blog is free from a brand or a business. This blog has no boundaries.
Since Dian was part of the inspiration behind this blog, I think it's only fitting that I close this first entry with a quote by Pema Chodron that Dian shared on her awesomely inspiring Rock Your Authentic You teleclass that I had the privilege of attending earlier today.
"Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth."
Let that one roll off your tongue and around in your head for a while. Think about how those words have and are currently manifesting themselves in your life. Share your thoughts in the comment section. OOHHH the thought of connecting with everyone in a different way makes me very, very excited!

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