Monday, August 24, 2009

My Chick Flick

You don't know this yet, but I love celebrities and I love fashion. So, it goes without saying that my dream is to one day be a fashionable celebrity who plays the (stylish) female lead in every other chick flick produced for the rest of the 21st Century. (I'm willing to share the spotlight with Jennifer Aniston--my other favorite Jenn.) As I found myself nearing the age of 25 (senior citizen status in Hollywood) and living and working in North Carolina (about as far from Los Angeles as you can get without leaving the country)I began to let go of my "quest" for stardom (Can you call it a quest if you aren't actively working towards it?) and realize that my happily ever after was up to me.

So, I moved to California after falling in love with a guy I'd spent a total of a week and a half with. (The fact that he lived in California was merely coincidental and had nothing to do with "the quest," I swear.) Ironically, it is only now--a year and a half later-- that I realize how much my recent past has paralleled a chick flick.

However, now that I'm married (That's right. I sealed the deal, just like any leading lady would.) I still find myself longing for fame but not necessarily of the leading actress kind. I now live close enough to Los Angeles to make day trips to the city. I've seen the people (including the celebrities) who frequent the shops on Robertson and Rodeo. People who starve themselves to be thin, work their entire lives to accumulate stuff they can't take to the grave, and have meaningless relationships that last about as long as their pedicures. If that's what comes along with stardom, then I'm not sure it's for me.

I'm about to end this entry because my husband and I are going to heat up leftovers and start season two of Arrested Development. My life is far from glamorous, and I have no idea how I will ever achieve "celebrity status," but I can tell you this: The best chick flicks are the ones you write yourself, and there's no excuse for not pursuing your happily ever after. I'm looking forward to sharing "my movie" with you in this blog and to hearing your stories as well.

Til' tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn

P.S- While I truly believe the statement about "writing your own chick flick," I promise to end future blog entries with a little less "cheese" (and make less parenthetical statements).

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