Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Rhythm of Life

Husband and I had a lovely day today. It was "Friends and Family Day" at the place he works for. For the sake of privacy, exact places of employment will not be revealed in this blog. I will tell you, however, that Husband is a mechanical engineer. So, "Friends and Family Day" was more like "Try to Educate Your Right-Brained Wife on What it is You Do in Your Left-Brained Job Day." Fortunately for Husband, I love to learn new things, and I found the event, which culminated in him taking me to a conference room, drawing a diagram on the white board and quizzing me on what I had learned, highly enjoyable. Additionally, I will now be able to carry on a somewhat intelligent conversation with Husband when he comes home from work.

After my engineering lesson, Husband and I drove the beautiful coastline that we live on, stopping by the pier to "catch" our dinner for the evening (a.k.a visit the local fish market). The pier was buzzing with people fresh off the adjoining beach, and there was a group of sea lions sleeping en masse on one of the pillars upholding the pier. The sun was shining. Birds were chirping. You get the picture.

There are certain times in life when everything comes together in almost rhythmic motion. Today was one of those times. I don't know what tomorrow holds. I could wake up tomorrow and find a lump in my breast. Husband could walk in to work Monday morning and be told that his department is being eliminated. I'm not anticipating any of this happening, but then again, who am I to say it won't? My point is this: Every moment we walk this earth is a gift. Every one of those moments that we get to spend with someone we love is precious. Those times of "rhythmic motion" are to be recognized, appreciated and savored. Live, laugh and love as often as possible.

Until tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn

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