My husband and I have been contemplating having children lately. Wait. Let me rephrase that. My husband and I have been thinking about what it will be like to have kids one day in the not anytime soon future. (Lord willing. Please don't fail me birth control.) Anyway- we've decided that this whole having kids thing might not be such a good idea for us.
You see, all of our friends, co-workers and relatives have kids. Wait. Let me rephrase that too. All of our friends, co-workers and relatives have ridiculously adorable kids, which greatly increases the likelihood of Husband and I having not-so-ridiculously adorable kids.
Oh please! Stop judging me! You know that you've thought about this yourself. There's a large population of cute children out there and at some point, one of us is bound to shoot an ugly one out of our lower region.
Physical appearance aside, having a child would be a monumentous change in our lifestyle. And even if all of our friends are doing it, and our parents are chomping at the bit to be grandparents, (Though I'm not really sure why. Who wants to be called names like Gee-Gee and Pop Pop for the rest of their lives?) we are going to hold off. Sometimes it's alright to be content with where you're at in life. More importantly, it's not only alright, but it's downright responsible to know when you just aren't ready for something-- especially if that something involves another human life.
I'm sure that my maternal instinct (or biological clock) will get the best of me in a few years, but until then I'm ok with admitting that right now, I want to go where I want when I want, have regular sex and maintain a body that doesn't have parts that you describe with words like "pouch" or "saddlebags." Some might call that selfish. I call it self-aware.
Until tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
PS- I used some "creative license" in the line about regular sex and body parts described as "pouch" or "saddlebags." I know plenty of moms who have lots of sex and better bodies than I do.
I love your honesty...you seriously make me laugh. And p.s. who are those kids, did you just take a pic of random children at Target??
ReplyDeleteThank Jackie! These are my best friend's children. Two of the most adorable kids I know!