David Letterman fans beware: I've always preferred Leno. I think my friend Valery put it best when she asked: "Since when did cheating on your wife become funny?" Well, Valery, I suppose since America's favorite late-night talk show host did it and confessed to it in an oh-so-witty-way on national television.
I won't lie, what Letterman did was a brilliant PR move on his (or his "rep's") part. In fact, body language expert and Huffington Post blogger Patti Wood said she was "awed by his near perfect example of how to handle a crisis." Stunning crisis communication tactics aside, I am appalled by what Letterman did and even more so by our nation's response.
Five point seven million Americans tuned their television to CBS on Thursday night, when Letterman broke the news of his misconduct, and 5.9 million viewers watched his show on Monday night to see if there would be any fall-out or follow-up. What is wrong with our society when we not only pardon, but very literally applaud, a man who has an extramarital affair??
Then again, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. This is the same society that watches My Super Sweet Sixteen, idolizes Lindsey Lohan and pays money to attend Marilyn Manson concerts. Those of you who know me know that I'm just as guilty of idolizing celebrities as anyone, but there comes a point when even the most star-struck of us all can no longer turn our heads when basic morality is being violated. Or, in this case, we can simply turn the channel.
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
P.S.- If you're looking for a good laugh at another celebutard's expense, check out Nancy Grace stickin' it to Jon Gosselin.
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