A couple entries ago, I mentioned that I would creating a personal manifesto in order to help me decide what content I want to feature on my new website (TheStyleGeek.com). FYI on the site- My friend Justin is actively working on putting it together for me. The biggest hurdle is as soon as I choose the most appropriately girly theme...
Anyways- back to the personal manifesto. I'm still in the "vision mapping" process. This is where you take a stack of magazines and cut out images that "speak" to you. I went through half of my magazine stack last night and so far, I've "talked" with 19 different images, including Tory Burch with an Indian man, the editors of Vogue in the front row of a runway show during Fashion Week, a few cute and cuddly animals and two pictures of Rachel Bilson, my personal style icon. (Have I mentioned that I "heart" Rachel?)
Tonight, I revisited the pictures I had cut out yesterday and was at a loss to figure out how to turn some of these images into possible website content, much less how they connect to the core of who I am as a person. That's the thing. For me, my website is more than just a place for people to keep up on the latest fashion trends or technology gadgets. (Get it? STYLE GEEK??) It's a statement about my character and what I value. So far, it seems that my life revolves around clothing and while that's one component of me, it's not necessarily what I want to be known for. (I can hear people talking about me now: "She's not very...but she sure does have cute clothes!" Umm.. no thanks!)
I've been listening to a lot of great Christian music lately (I have a love/hate relationship with the genre. It's either awesome or super cheesy.) and one of my current favorite songs is called "It's Your Life" by Francesca Battistelli. She sings: "It's your life. What you gonna do? The world is watching you. Everyday, the choices you make say who you are and what your heart beats for. It's an open door. It's your life."
I'd encourage all of you over the next few days to join me in being mindful of the choices you make and what they say about who we are and what's important to us. Who or what are our hearts beating for today?
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
*Photo Courtesy of Gwen Bell
You are so awesome! Thank you for your support!! I can't wait to advertise thestylegeek.com on my blog when its up and running! I feel you on the love/hate with Christian music. Do you listen to Brooke Frasier? She is one of my the few favorites I have with Christian music.