I was trolling the internet, looking for something to write about tonight, when low and behold, I found Nina Sankovitch and her quest to read one book a day and blog about it for an entire year.
The entire story can be found here; but it seems like the intellectual's version of Julie and Julia. (I loved that movie, by the way.)
My friend Maggie sent me an article called Born Cheap a few weeks ago. The article's author asserts that whether you are a spender or a saver is a genetic trait you inherit from birth. While the entire article extols the virtues of being cheap, it ends by encouraging the reader that "whether you’re a spender or a saver, you should accept this trait rather than struggle against it—then find a way to live a financially manageable life." I guess I'm still grappling with my genetic makeup to figure out the best way to do that...
I love reading articles like these, and to be quite honest, Mrs. Sankovitch's year long reading binge has a certain amount of appeal to me. (Or maybe it's just the fact that she had to hire a maid to help her out with the housework...) Unfortunately, reading is a lost art in today's society. The death of print media is one of the biggest indicators of this fact. We read to grab the information we need and then flip the page (or more than likely, click through) to the next page.
So, in my own personal crusade to bring reading back (not to be confused with bringing sexy back...though I'd gladly do it if JT was my partner) I am starting the Happily Ever After Book Club. Every month I will announce a new book, divide the number of chapters in the book by the number of weeks in that month and commit to writing about what I'm reading about once a week. Additionally, I'd love it if you guys would join me in my venture, suggest books you'd like to read--and read with me!
Let's start our first book in November, and let's start "small." I'd like to read Tim Gunn's Guide to Quality, Taste & Style. There's nine chapters in the book and four weeks in November--that's two chapters the first three weeks and three chapters the last week. I know that November is the start of the holiday season, but come on, guys: It's fashion, not rocket science!
I'll be writing my book report every Wednesday, starting November 11, and I expect to hear from each of you who choose to read along as well. The book is available at Amazon for $12.98.
So get ready, get set...READ!!!!
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