As promised, here is the first installment of Letters To My Former Self. I have to admit, re-reading my old journal entries has been much more emotional than I thought it would be. Old hurts--even ones from what seems like another lifetime--can still sting pretty bad. This entry is from November 2, 2007. My heart had been unexpectedly broken only two days earlier...
Dear Diary,
I just spent the last two months of my life in an amazing relationship. He walked into my life on August 26 and walked out on October 31. Short, yes, but during those two months, the Lord showed me an earthly picture of how much HE loves me, and the Lord truly my relationship with Jacob to draw me closer to HIM....which in many ways, makes the break-up all the more confusing.
Before I met Jacob, I was completely open to whatever God had for me in the future--relationship or no relationship. And once the two of us started spending time together, I felt (for the first time in any relationship that I've ever been in) that I had completely surrendered our relationship to God's control. I cannot describe to you the peace and assurance I had that God had placed Jacob in my life, and here I am two months later feeling confused, scared and not all assured or peaceful.
While I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God can turn everything around for HIS glory, I have no clue how any of this is going to turn out or why all of this had to happen. Still, I know that despite my confusion, uncertainty and pain, I'm exactly where HE wants me...
-The End
A bit of background for you: Almost two years before I met Jacob, I had been happily engaged in a three year long relationship with a guy who I thought I was going to marry...Until one day when he announced in the car on the way to church that he was "having some doubts about our relationship." It was very reminiscent of "Red Light" by David Nails, and we were broken up by lunchtime that day.
Since that relationship, I had been "serious" with one other guy, who strung me along for seven months before announcing in April (2007) that he would be moving to San Francisco in May. Needless to say that love had not been kind to me over the past few years, and Jacob's email saying he "couldn't explain why, but he didn't want to date me anymore" was the final blow to my already bleeding heart.
But enough of my sob story...So what would I have told myself then, if I'd known what I know now. Well, for starters, I would have said: "You go, Girl!" I admire my resolve in trusting the Lord even though I didn't understand my circumstances and couldn't see what the purpose behind them were.
Second, I would encourage myself to stay the course and continue learning who it was (is?) that the Lord wanted me to be then and in the future. Ironically, I just got finished listening to a sermon on the character qualities of a mature, Godly woman. As I think back to that period of time in my life, I'm sad to say that I may have exhibited more maturity and Godliness then, than I sometimes do now.
Third, I would have given myself a big hug and a gentle reminder that: "Cling to Jesus, guard your heart, and wait patiently. This too shall pass. God is for our good, and there's a tall, dark and handsome man waiting for you a few months down the road..."
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
PS- That's "former me" one week before the breakup. "Former Jacob" is cropped out. =)
I often hear people say, 'what would you change if you went back in time?' but the truth is, I wouldn't change a thing because even the most painful times in our lives are meant to help us grow as humans, women and spiritual beings in this life and the next. You have a great head on your shoulders. -dani
ReplyDeleteWell said, Dani, and thanks for the kind words.
ReplyDeleteJust curious, do you see now any lasting good that came from dating Jacob? You know how sometimes the picture clears later and you see some reasons why it was meant to be?
ReplyDeleteYes. I absolutely see the lasting good that came from dating Jacob. I truly felt that the Lord had placed Jacob in my life, and I was truly devastated when the Lord took him away from me. However, unlike what happened after my first major break-up (of a three year relationship) this one taught me to trust God instead of question Him and become bitter about my circumstances.
I truly think that this break up was preparing me for a larger one later on in life. I don't know what the Lord will send my way to challenge my faith, but I do know that He proved faithful in sending me Russ after things went south with Jacob (getting married was my greatest desire in life) and I know that He will prove Himself faithful again in a larger trial one day in the future...
Whew! I think I just rambled. I hope that made sense...
Reading my old diary is very weird. I forget that I ever felt that way or thought those things.