Monday, August 31, 2009

Top 12 Most Annoying Facebook Friends & Other Recommended Reading

For those of you who have (and somewhat regularly use) a Facebook account, you will find's recent article about "The 12 most annoying types of Facebookers" very entertaining. If you read the article thinking you'd never post something like that, think again--and re-read some of those status updates. Chances are there's a little "self-promoter," "town crier" or "sympathy baiter" in all of us!

Ever wondered what the authors you read are reading? Google's recent post on their Reader Blog might be of interest to you. The article gives the top six or eight websites that writers like Arianna Huffington and Michelle Malkin frequent. Let me give you a hint, though, you won't find celebrity gossip sites on any of their lists. I know! I was sad too!

My apologies for the short post. Monday nights are Bible Study nights. (Until next week, when Bible Study moves to Wednesday.) If you're looking for a little more, check out my tech blog. It won't be nearly as informative as the Google Reader post, but there is a link to!

Until tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fabulous Finds

I was planning to make this post much earlier today, but thought twice after reading an article on how to buy luxe clothing and accessories on the cheap in which the author reminded readers that "a lady never reveals what she's paid for something." I mulled over this statement while eating an ice cream sundae. Then, I looked down at my bowl of fatty, sugary goodness and realized that if I'm eating ice cream with hot fudge, caramel and peanut butter M&Ms on it, I'm probably not the type of person InStyle Magazine would classify as a lady anyhow.

Therefore, I am proudly sharing the three adorable articles of clothing that I found at Walmart and Kmart this weekend with you, my faithful readers. (Sidenote: As of today, I have my first official follower! Trying to quell my excitement!!)

Here you go:
Find # 1- Open Front Knit Vest with Ruffle Trim (Kmart, $24.99)
Find #2- Jersey Drape Cardigan (Walmart, $11.00) - This link shows the cardigan in black, but there were a plethora of colors available at my local Wally World. I bought the orange one--very fall!
Find #3- George Ruffle Blouse (Walmart, $12.00)- Unfortunately, I can't find the exact link to this item, but I found a very similar match at Macys. There were tons of colors and patterns available in this one as well.

For those of you watching your wallet, I suggest picking up these pieces ASAP. For those of you who think I'm being unladylike, check out KORS Michael Kors ingenius four-in-one zipper boots (Bloomingdale's $595). Hopefully that redeems me in some of your eyes!

Until tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Rhythm of Life

Husband and I had a lovely day today. It was "Friends and Family Day" at the place he works for. For the sake of privacy, exact places of employment will not be revealed in this blog. I will tell you, however, that Husband is a mechanical engineer. So, "Friends and Family Day" was more like "Try to Educate Your Right-Brained Wife on What it is You Do in Your Left-Brained Job Day." Fortunately for Husband, I love to learn new things, and I found the event, which culminated in him taking me to a conference room, drawing a diagram on the white board and quizzing me on what I had learned, highly enjoyable. Additionally, I will now be able to carry on a somewhat intelligent conversation with Husband when he comes home from work.

After my engineering lesson, Husband and I drove the beautiful coastline that we live on, stopping by the pier to "catch" our dinner for the evening (a.k.a visit the local fish market). The pier was buzzing with people fresh off the adjoining beach, and there was a group of sea lions sleeping en masse on one of the pillars upholding the pier. The sun was shining. Birds were chirping. You get the picture.

There are certain times in life when everything comes together in almost rhythmic motion. Today was one of those times. I don't know what tomorrow holds. I could wake up tomorrow and find a lump in my breast. Husband could walk in to work Monday morning and be told that his department is being eliminated. I'm not anticipating any of this happening, but then again, who am I to say it won't? My point is this: Every moment we walk this earth is a gift. Every one of those moments that we get to spend with someone we love is precious. Those times of "rhythmic motion" are to be recognized, appreciated and savored. Live, laugh and love as often as possible.

Until tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn

Friday, August 28, 2009

Eternal Life

It's late, and I'm tired. However, I feel compelled to make a brief post. I just heard that Adam Goldstein, otherwise known as Nicole Richie's ex-fiance' DJ AM, was found dead in his New York City apartment earlier today. While authorities aren't calling it a suicide yet, prescription drugs were found in his body or close to his body or something like that.

I'm extremely disturbed by this news. Lump in my throat, heaviness in my chest, disturbed. I didn't know Adam Goldstein. I didn't know anyone who knew Adam Goldstein. Therefore, I cannot and will not judge his mental health, his character, or where he is residing now that he is no longer on this earth.

I will, however, present you with the Biblical perspective on death and let you draw your own conclusions about your own mortality.

Our problem is eternal death.
Romans 3:23- "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God..."
Romans 6:23- "The wages of sin is death..."
Hebrews 9:27- "Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement."

Our response to God results in eternal life.
John 1:12- "Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God."
Romans 10:9-10- "That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved."
John 5:24- "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life."

Until tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Problem with Cute Kids

My husband and I have been contemplating having children lately. Wait. Let me rephrase that. My husband and I have been thinking about what it will be like to have kids one day in the not anytime soon future. (Lord willing. Please don't fail me birth control.) Anyway- we've decided that this whole having kids thing might not be such a good idea for us.

You see, all of our friends, co-workers and relatives have kids. Wait. Let me rephrase that too. All of our friends, co-workers and relatives have ridiculously adorable kids, which greatly increases the likelihood of Husband and I having not-so-ridiculously adorable kids.

Oh please! Stop judging me! You know that you've thought about this yourself. There's a large population of cute children out there and at some point, one of us is bound to shoot an ugly one out of our lower region.

Physical appearance aside, having a child would be a monumentous change in our lifestyle. And even if all of our friends are doing it, and our parents are chomping at the bit to be grandparents, (Though I'm not really sure why. Who wants to be called names like Gee-Gee and Pop Pop for the rest of their lives?) we are going to hold off. Sometimes it's alright to be content with where you're at in life. More importantly, it's not only alright, but it's downright responsible to know when you just aren't ready for something-- especially if that something involves another human life.

I'm sure that my maternal instinct (or biological clock) will get the best of me in a few years, but until then I'm ok with admitting that right now, I want to go where I want when I want, have regular sex and maintain a body that doesn't have parts that you describe with words like "pouch" or "saddlebags." Some might call that selfish. I call it self-aware.

Until tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn

PS- I used some "creative license" in the line about regular sex and body parts described as "pouch" or "saddlebags." I know plenty of moms who have lots of sex and better bodies than I do.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Personal Stylist for $25 or Less

My college roommates always laugh at the fact that after graduation I spent three years working as a fashion editor for a monthly magazine. If my readers knew what my roommates knew--that during my college years my biggest fashion dilemma was which color cardigan I should wear with my kacki pants and clogs--they would have turned their noses up at me as quickly as they could turn the page.

I'm sure that true fashion editors just intrinsically know what's stylish, but not me. I continually had to do research to figure out what the latest trends were that month. But, as my father says: "It doesn't matter how you get the answers, just so you get them." (He apparently used this statement as an excuse to cheat on tests in high school.) So, I thought I'd share some of my tips and tricks from three years of fashion research:

Tip #1: Not all trends are meant to be worn. In other words, what looks good on a toothpick sized model who's undergone hours of professional primping before walking down a runway or being photographed, does not always look good on the rest of us "sometimes I sleep in too late before work and don't bother to put makeup on" women. There's no harm in trying something on, but if you have any doubts, consult that one friend that you trust to tell you the truth no matter what, before purchasing.

Tip #2- Don't spend a fortune on styles that may fade with the season. You know the type. This year it's anything inspired by the 80's. I don't care if the other Jenn (Aniston) wears leg warmers to the Oscars, I am NOT resurrecting my pair. However, if you do have the urge for a hot pink leotard, I suggest going to Forever 21, H&M or Urban Outfitters.

Tip #3- Spend $25 a year and have Lucky and Elle sent to your home. (In layman's terms, that's called magazine subscriptions.) Unless you can't afford it. In which case, you can find the cliff's notes from every month's issue online. Actually, these days both magazines are giving bonus content online, but as someone who stares at a computer screen all day, I prefer to look at the hard copy. Elle will give you an idea of what's hot on the runway, and Lucky will show you how to wear it to work or on the town.

Tip #4- Never spend more than you can afford. I know that this isn't really fashion advice, but take it from someone who knows firsthand, wearing a Zac Posen dress with a Bottega Veneta bag is never as much fun if you've just maxed out your credit card. If you don't have the money in your bank account, don't bother to purchase it. I guarantee that whatever it is you want will look just as fabulous after you've saved the money to buy it. And if you're worried that it won't, it's probably not something you should be spending that kind of money on in the first place.

Until tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn

Monday, August 24, 2009

My Chick Flick

You don't know this yet, but I love celebrities and I love fashion. So, it goes without saying that my dream is to one day be a fashionable celebrity who plays the (stylish) female lead in every other chick flick produced for the rest of the 21st Century. (I'm willing to share the spotlight with Jennifer Aniston--my other favorite Jenn.) As I found myself nearing the age of 25 (senior citizen status in Hollywood) and living and working in North Carolina (about as far from Los Angeles as you can get without leaving the country)I began to let go of my "quest" for stardom (Can you call it a quest if you aren't actively working towards it?) and realize that my happily ever after was up to me.

So, I moved to California after falling in love with a guy I'd spent a total of a week and a half with. (The fact that he lived in California was merely coincidental and had nothing to do with "the quest," I swear.) Ironically, it is only now--a year and a half later-- that I realize how much my recent past has paralleled a chick flick.

However, now that I'm married (That's right. I sealed the deal, just like any leading lady would.) I still find myself longing for fame but not necessarily of the leading actress kind. I now live close enough to Los Angeles to make day trips to the city. I've seen the people (including the celebrities) who frequent the shops on Robertson and Rodeo. People who starve themselves to be thin, work their entire lives to accumulate stuff they can't take to the grave, and have meaningless relationships that last about as long as their pedicures. If that's what comes along with stardom, then I'm not sure it's for me.

I'm about to end this entry because my husband and I are going to heat up leftovers and start season two of Arrested Development. My life is far from glamorous, and I have no idea how I will ever achieve "celebrity status," but I can tell you this: The best chick flicks are the ones you write yourself, and there's no excuse for not pursuing your happily ever after. I'm looking forward to sharing "my movie" with you in this blog and to hearing your stories as well.

Til' tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn

P.S- While I truly believe the statement about "writing your own chick flick," I promise to end future blog entries with a little less "cheese" (and make less parenthetical statements).