Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
And They Lived Happily Ever After...

I thought it was only appropriate to make that the title of my last post on this blog. GREAT NEWS, though! Thestylegeek.com is officially up and ready for your consumption! It's still a work in progress, but if I waited till every "i" was dotted and "t" was crossed, I'd never launch the site.
Thank you all so much for your readership, kind words of encouragement and general support over these past few months. I hope you will come along with me on this next phase of my journey through the world wide web.
Looking forward to hearing from all of you soon!
-Jennifer Lynn
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Letters To My Former Self: The Early Nineties

I have to say, I had more fun looking through my old journals for this entry than I have had preparing for any post to date--not just the Letters To My Former Self series. I wrote the following entries between the ages of 8-11 years old (1992-1995). I haven't changed any spelling or grammar, and all I can say is: Enjoy!
Dear Diary,
February 4, 1992, 8 years old
Today I found out what sex is: A guy and a girl laying naked on top of each other. That's gross! Yuck!
February 8, 1993, 9 years old
I can't decide between Cory and Brandon. Who should I date? Cory is very matcho. So is Brandon. I guess Cory is my dicision: 1.) he's younger 2.) Brandon is not centimental.
April 4, 1993, 9 years old
Today was Sunday and as we all know, all I can think about is Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. He's really cute. Guess what he did? He said he liked me by body language. He sat by me.
February 23, 1994, 10 years old
I hate my dad and my mom! They said I can't shave my legs! You may think it's stupid, but if you don't shave your legs and your armpits and you don't wear a bra, you're not cool. I do wear a bra, but as far as the legs and the armpits, well, i dont do them. Please, please, please Mom and Dad, if you read this, let me shave my legs! If not, I might just do something I regret!
March 10, 1994, 10 years old
Today I went to practice for the speech contest and Georgie was sitting with me and he started making faces at me and I never could have been so happy in my life. I like him so much!

November 16, 1994, 10 years old
I get to shave my legs today!!
March 16, 1995, 11 years old
I am going to an Amy Grant concert, and I cannot wait! I am sooooooooooooooo excited! I get out of school early. I can't wait!! I am listening to House of Love as I write. I am soooooooooo excited!
March 19, 1995, 11 years old
Today I was flipping through the channels and I stopped at MTV which I don't watch except when Boyz to Men is on. Anyhow, I stopped and I was trying to figure out who this lady was on there and finally I saw that it was Madonna and I thought "AAHHHHHH" I would get in so much trouble if my parents knew I saw that!
By show of hands, how many of you would like to go back to a time when having a boy sit beside you or make faces at you meant he liked you, when an Amy Grant concert (literally) rocked your world, and your biggest fear was whether or not your parents saw you watching MTV? Did all of you raise your hand?
And yet, I remember wishing away the years and always wanting to be older and have more privileges (hence the intense desire to shave my legs). In fact, my mom says that on my birthdays, people would aske me how old I was, and I'd reply: "This year I'm three, but next year I'm going to be four."
Therefore, here's the advice I would give my 8-10 year old self. I feel confident that all of you would give similar advice:
- Sex (outside of marriage) is yucky!
- Guys mature slower than girls, so younger is not (always) better.
- Boys are simple. Don't over think their actions. If they sit by you, it was probably the only available seat and if they make faces at you, they probably had something in their teeth or an itchy nose.
- Shaving your legs is a pain in the a**. Believe me. There will come a day when you'll look forward to cold weather. If you have pants or tights on, no one can tell you haven't picked up a razor in three days.
- Madonna IS bad, and wait a few years: Amy Grant's House of Love will come tumbling down alongside Vince Gill.
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
Monday, November 2, 2009
Tune In Tonight
I hope everyone is having a happy Monday!
Until Tonight,
Jennifer Lynn
P.S.- The weather man said it's supposed to be unusually warm this week. COME ON! It's November! I WANT COLD WEATHER!!!
Friday, October 30, 2009
A Prayer for the Smith Family

This is Malachi Smith. Yesterday, after fighting a battle with cancer for almost his entire life, Malachi went to be with the Lord. I only know of Malachi through a mutual friend, but I've been blessed by him and his family through reading his mother Rachel's blog.
This is a real-life example of what I was talking about Wednesday when I reminded myself and all of you that the choices we make every day tell other who we are what we are living for. It's clear that the Smith family are people who choose to honor and praise God, regardless of their circumstances. Their hearts, while undeniably breaking, still beat for His glory.
If you don't read any other entry on Rachel's blog, please read the one from yesterday, and then drop to your knees and pray for this family. And then praise God for every day you get to spend with your loved ones.
Lord, Words escape me, because my human mind doesn't grasp why things like this happen. But You are the God of all of our lives and circumstances, and even when we don't understand Your ways, we can trust Your heart. You work all things for Your glory and our good, including Malachi's death. Please surround the Smith family with your unfailing love. Comfort and bless them, for they have been faithful to You. In Jesus Name I Pray,
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Taking Care of Business...
1.) There's only three days left until the Happily Ever After Book Club kicks off with our very first read: Tim Gunn's Guide to Quality, Taste & Style. There's nine chapters in the book and four weeks in November--that's two chapters the first three weeks and three chapters the last week.
During November, I will devote one post per week to a discussion of the chapters we have just read. You can either email me your thoughts ahead of time (jennprentice@gmail.com) or you can post something in the comment section below each entry. "The club" will meet every Monday, with the first meeting being November 7.
2.) Thestylegeek.com is almost ready for consumption!!!!!!!! If you get a chance, check it out and let me know what you think of the colors, the widgets (calendar, blog roll, Twitter updates, etc.). I'll be working on it this week and desperately want your feedback!
I've already ported my current blog entries over to the site, but I won't officially stop posting on here until midweek next week. Don't worry! I'll let you know!!! If you're a current follower of this blog (for which I cannot thank you enough) you can subscribe to the posts I make on thestylegeek by clicking the subscribe button in the top right corner of the site. The button will ask you where you'd like to "subscribe" at, and I would suggest "Live Bookmarks."
If you choose "Live Bookmarks" you can find a list of my posts by clicking the "Bookmarks" menu at the top of your web browser. Thestylegeek.com should show up in the drop down list. Mouse over the site name on that list and a number of my posts (newest to oldest) will appear. Click one and start reading! (It sounds complicated to explain, but I assure you that it's not hard to do.)
Ok... I better get going...My co-workers would probably appreciate it if I showered before work today!
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
It's Your Life

A couple entries ago, I mentioned that I would creating a personal manifesto in order to help me decide what content I want to feature on my new website (TheStyleGeek.com). FYI on the site- My friend Justin is actively working on putting it together for me. The biggest hurdle is as soon as I choose the most appropriately girly theme...
Anyways- back to the personal manifesto. I'm still in the "vision mapping" process. This is where you take a stack of magazines and cut out images that "speak" to you. I went through half of my magazine stack last night and so far, I've "talked" with 19 different images, including Tory Burch with an Indian man, the editors of Vogue in the front row of a runway show during Fashion Week, a few cute and cuddly animals and two pictures of Rachel Bilson, my personal style icon. (Have I mentioned that I "heart" Rachel?)
Tonight, I revisited the pictures I had cut out yesterday and was at a loss to figure out how to turn some of these images into possible website content, much less how they connect to the core of who I am as a person. That's the thing. For me, my website is more than just a place for people to keep up on the latest fashion trends or technology gadgets. (Get it? STYLE GEEK??) It's a statement about my character and what I value. So far, it seems that my life revolves around clothing and while that's one component of me, it's not necessarily what I want to be known for. (I can hear people talking about me now: "She's not very...but she sure does have cute clothes!" Umm.. no thanks!)
I've been listening to a lot of great Christian music lately (I have a love/hate relationship with the genre. It's either awesome or super cheesy.) and one of my current favorite songs is called "It's Your Life" by Francesca Battistelli. She sings: "It's your life. What you gonna do? The world is watching you. Everyday, the choices you make say who you are and what your heart beats for. It's an open door. It's your life."
I'd encourage all of you over the next few days to join me in being mindful of the choices you make and what they say about who we are and what's important to us. Who or what are our hearts beating for today?
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
*Photo Courtesy of Gwen Bell
Frighteningly Fun Baking
Halloween is almost here and while it's not one of my favorite holidays, it is my personal harbinger of the holiday season. So if I celebrate, it's mostly because I'm looking forward to the days ahead.
That being said, there is one thing that I LOVE about Halloween: Adorable children in cute costumes! On Friday, the owner of our company is letting us dress up (if we want) and letting the employees with kids bring their children into the office in their costumes for some Halloween fun. (A.k.a- Candy!)
I'm sure these kids are going to get their fair share of pre-packaged sweets, so I was trying to come up with something different to pass out to them. Here's what I've found from the people at Bright Ideas.com:

Hope you guys enjoy as well!
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
PS- The weather girl just said we might need to wear mittens when we walk out the door this morning!!!!!!!!! YAY for cold weather!!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Letters To My Former Self Part 2: A More Beautiful You

I've known what I was going to write about this week since last Sunday afternoon's post. I wanted to start off the Letters To My Former Self series with this entry, but for reasons you'll clearly understand in a minute, I had to work up the courage to write this.
If you've spent any amount of time with me, you've probably heard me reference the fact that I "used to have an eating disorder in college." I only bring it up if it fits in with the conversation, and I say it rather nonchalantly so that people (particularly those who haven't known me for very long) don't think I'm some weirdo who likes to stick her head in the toilet.
While my "weirdness" may still be up for debate for a number of reasons, (after all, I do like to talk to my cats in baby voices...), it is not because I used to stick my finger down my throat. On the contrary, a 2008 survey by Self Magazine and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill revealed that 65% of American women between the ages of 25-45 report having "disordered eating behaviors" with an additional 10% of women reporting behaviors consistent with bulimia, anorexia and binge eating disorder. Sadly, that means that women who don't have bad thoughts about their bodies or engage in unhealthy eating behaviors are the "weird" ones.
Still, I was hesitant to share my personal struggle with all of you, until I re-read a quote I had written in one of my former journals:
"I don't really regret much in my life, but I will never get back the time I spent worrying about what the scale said." -Portia de Rossi, Actress and Former Anorexic.
And that's just it. I can't take back the years I lost to self-loathing, mild depression and bodily harm, but maybe I can prevent some of you from losing time. The following are excerpts from the journal entries I wrote during various stages of my eating disorder and my recovery:
Dear Diary,
I hate myself! I am a fat, nasty, stupid, ugly girl! Gosh! I am such a loser! I have seriously gained so much weight...
WHY?! WHY!? WHY!? Would I binge and then purge? Yep! That's right. I threw up. I didn't take two steps back. I took 20! It's all Satan. He is trying to attack me from all sides, but I won't allow it. I won't give Up! I'm going to kick this disease...
I ate an english muffin with peanut butter for breakfast. I felt guilty because it was probably about 400 calories, so I need to be careful not to overeat at lunch...
I purged, and I then I ride my cabinet of "trigger" foods. An alcoholic wouldn't keep alcohol in his house, so why should I keep things like peanut butter, chocolate or ice cream in mine...
I want to go to the grocery store and get some ice cream and eat until I can't move. Why? Because I am lonely and I feel overweight and hopeless to ever lose the weight I need to lose...
If Jessica Alba is the standard by which mean judge women, then I will just have to do all that I can to look like Jessica Alba...
Unfortunately I have to get in the shower, which means I'm gonna have to look at my fat thighs...
I don't want to be afraid to have dessert every once in a while, but I don't wnat to have large amounts of it in an effort to avoid feeling how I feel at the time...
If I start binging and purging, it's hard to stop. Sometimes it's like an out-of-body experience. I literally feel like something is controlling me and I can't stop...
I'm not going to write much of a response, except to say this: If what you just read reminds you of yourself or someone you know, please feel free to contact me at jennprentice@gmail.com. I'd love to send some encouragement--and some resources-- your way.
Finally, I want you to know that it is only by God's grace that I can sit here and say that I no longer struggle with an eating disorder. Sure, I still have my "fat days" (mostly around a certain time of the month), but binging and purging are not even a thought in my head. My life is a living testimony to Philippians 4:13.
To close, I'll leave you with a link to a song called "More Beautiful You" by Christian artist Johnny Diaz. (I'm sure all you K-Love listeners are familiar with it already.) It's everything I would have said to myself if I had known me then...
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
P.S.- I'm pictured above with my college roommates, Leah and Haley, who initially called my parents during our freshman year to alert them to my eating disorder.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Fall Fashion From N-Z by Zee...Finally!

Alright. After much delay, I'm finally sitting down to write the second half of Monday's entry: My take on Elle Magazine Creative Director Joe Zee's Guide to Fall Fashion from A to Z. The unfortunate thing is that the last half of this list (N-Z) is incredibly disappointing. Zee was clearly grasping at straws to connect a trend to a letter of the alphabet.
Nonetheless, I promised you I'd finish the list--and you know how strongly I feel about list making. FYI- Elle's website keeps crashing my browser, so I'm having a tough time linking the individual trends to their original pages. If you want to see the original article, check out www.Elle.com/fashion. Here goes:
Nuts & Bolts- Or, studs and spikes. This goes along with my anti-rocker chick thing. Not a fan. However, I realize that some of you may be a little more hard core than I am, so I'd suggest checking out Jimmy Choo's new line of handbags and shoes for H&M. Cheap for Choo, but still too pricey for my blood. Lots of nuts & bolts detailing to be found on some of the shoes, though.
Over the Knee- I'm five foot one and three-fourths inches. (Believe me, the 3/4 inch counts when you're under five foot three.) If something's going over my knee, it might as well be a pair of fishing waders. For you leggier broads, though, i think it's a fabulously sexy idea. Unfortunately, the higher the boot, the higher the price. Good luck finding a pair for under $150. If you've got a Charlotte Russe near you, check these out. (I don't recommend purchasing online, as I'm guessing they look pretty cheap in real life, and you'd probably have to send them back.)
Puff Piece- Remember back to 8th grade when everyone was buying those big, Down Timberland jackets? Well, apparently they're back in style this season. If, like me, you gave your fluffy stuff to Goodwill a few years ago, I wouldn't rush out and purchase something puffy just to say you have it. I predict that this is one trend that will fade with the season. If you do feel the need fluff up your wardrobe, I'd recommend purchasing investment (a.k.a- expensive) pieces like a North Face parka or, my personal favorite, a quilted Chanel handbag--or the knock-off creation from up-and-coming Los Angeles based designer tenoversix.
Queensland- Think purple crushed velvet. Yeah. I'm repulsed too. The best way to wear this trend is a Juicy Suit or anything in royal purple. Personally, I'm waiting for this jacket to go on sale.
Realtime- Watches. You've already got one. It's now "officially" en vogue to wear it.
Surrealism- I can't really even describe this trend adequately. The best word I can think of is weird. None of this stuff looks like anything you could wear outside of the runway.
Think Pink- BCBG (favorite designer EVER) is my go-to retailer for fall brights, including hot pink. I'm crushing on this long cardi-wrap and this textured tube skirt. They're both around $130, but will more than likely go on sale.
Updated Updo- This is not fashion! This is a hairstyle! In protest, I will say no more.
Very Furry- Leave it to Lilliana--author of CheapChicas.com-- who I've touted before on this blog. This brown faux leather motorcycle jacket is two trends in one (fur and aviator) and comes in at just $72.99. I've already told Santa about it!
Waterproof- Once again, I'm not sure this is a full-on trend. However, I recommend two pieces: Burberry Rain Boots (investment) and Maybelline's Volume Lash Waterproof Mascara ($6.99 at drugstores, WalMarts and Targets everywhere). In fact, waterproof or not,Volume Lash is the best "cheap" mascara I've ever tried.
Xtreme Eyes- Make-up, not fashion, but if you're wanting to experiment with smokey eyes, check out Almay eyeshadows and eyeliners. The Intense-I line is my favorite. It stays on all day for a fraction of the price of designer labels.
Yellow- This is by far my favorite trend on the list. Once again, I'm going back to BCBG for my recommendation. (Sorry! I know this entire list hasn't been as cheap as the first one.) This sweater is priced at $128, but like I said before, BCBG knows how to throw a sale. I'm planning to make a trip to LA before Christmas, so I'll keep my eyes and ears open.
Zoology- I love animals, but I like wearing them in moderation. Shoes or scarves always add the right amount of "fun" for me. Try these animal print pumps from DSW ($39.99)
Well, I'm done. I hope you guys found at least one thing you liked on this list. Sorry it wasn't as useful as items A-M. Well, I should probably hop in the shower...Time for work. Yay for Friday!
See you this weekend for installment number two of Letters To My Former Self.
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
Photo courtesy of BCBG.com
Thursday, October 22, 2009
This Is What I Look Like When I Wake Up Late...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
(Great ?)Thoughts on a Great Day
In fact, today has been such a good day, and I am in such a great mood that I didn't even get upset a few minutes ago when hot oil splashed on my shirt--more than likely ruining it. In the grand scheme of things, losing a shirt is not that big of a big deal. (Plus, I bought it at Target for $12, and it's my own d*mn fault for not wearing an apron while cooking.) So, to congratulate myself on a day well done (and a winning attitude), I've poured myself a glass of wine and I'm sitting down to chat with all of you while Husband is working late.
I mentioned above that I learned a few new tech-related things today. More specifically, I met with Michael, a.k.a the social media manager for HP Software. While ingesting some awesome Mediterranean food over lunch, Michael gave me tons of pointers for how to brand myself and my new website, TheStyleGeek.com (shameless plug, I know). For the rest of the afternoon, I mulled over what Michael said and some of the key things he asked me to consider before launching my website: What name am I going to use to brand myself? Who is my target audience? And, most importantly, what is my goal?
All of Michael's questions made me ask myself this one: Why do I want to have my own website in the first place? Is it money? Fame? Authority? Maybe. But when I really boil it down, I think the reason I want to have my own website--or even just keep writing this blog--is the same reason that anyone else writes for the web: I want to have a voice.
Life moves so fast, and all too often, we (particularly we women) lose ourselves and our identity in the things we do and the people we love. While I'm happy to relinquish it, I've felt a part of my identity slowly slipping away since I got married. (I suppose that's part of the whole "two become one" thing.) I'm sure I'll feel an even stronger sense of "loss" when I have children.
So, to bring this already long entry full circle, I suppose the reason that I want to blog, launch my own website and send my thoughts out into the world wide web is because at the end of the day, I just want to be heard; and I really can't thank you all enough for listening!
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
P.S.- Fall Fashion N to Z from Zee will continue tomorrow...Don't worry! I haven't forgotten!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Fall Fashion from A to M by Zee

I am a list maker. I don't care how many cool organizational tools my new BlackBerry has, there's nothing quite as satisfying to me as crossing items off a checklist. So, when I saw Elle Magazine's Creative Director Joe Zee's list of fall trends (Titled From A to Zee. How original.) I immediately got out pen and paper to write down the trends and all the items I "need" to add to my wardrobe in order to be fashionable this fall.
As I was writing, the thought occurred to me that you guys might like to know what Zee considers hot this season, as well as where to find key pieces for $100 or less. I'll tackle A-M tonight and N-Z tomorrow. Here goes:
Aviator- I've been on the lookout for a (faux) leather jacket, but until this weekend I haven't been able to find one that didn't look like plastic or didn't cost me my right arm. For those of you who live in San Luis Obispo, check out the jackets at Lucky LuLu's Boutique. Unfortunately they don't have a website, but they're under $70 and worth a look if you're local. For those of you who don't live in SLO but do have a Nordstrom close by (favorite department store ever, by the way) check out this classic aviator jacket for $58 or the even more adorable ruffled version for $68.
Buckles- Personally, I hate all the items that Zee chose to showcase for this trend. (Don't judge Burberry or Tory Burch by either of those offerings.) As I was searching for a pair of Restricted boots with buckles that I did like, I stumbled upon this pair from Sears for only $68. I have a similar pair, and I love them! Shorts, skirts, jeans--they go with everything!
Cocktail Dresses- Oh how I love a good excuse to dress up!!! Husband and I are going to Vegas during the first weekend in November, and I'm searching for a hot little number to wear out on the town. I'm a huge fan of basic black but I have to say, this Barbie pink number has ME all hot and bothered! (Before you fall in love, like me, I should tell you that it's $105. Look if you dare.)
Draping- If you've packed on a few pounds (like me) recently, you'll appreciate the value of a good drape cardigan or top. They hide a multitude of sins, believe me! Banana Republic has the corner on the market when it comes to classy draping. This one currently retails for $90, but give it a week or two--it'll be on sale. In fact, you should never buy anything at full price from BR, Gap or Ann Taylor/AT Loft. Trust me. Thats a rule you should live by.
Electric Color- I've gotta say, bright colors are one growing on me. Especially when they're splashed in an otherwise monotone ensemble. The red necklace from H&M that Zee features in the Elle article is a great example. And speaking of H&M, did you know that Jimmy Choo is doing a new line of shoes for the store? And speaking of shoes, these teal knot front suede pumps from GoJane.com are not only electric but a steal for only $17.90...I'm adding them to my list for sure!
Full Bows- This is a trend I can't fully endorse. I think it's cute on other people; but you put a bow on me, and I look like I'm five years younger than I really am. A great alternative to bows (on tops) is ruffles. Once again, Banana Republic is my go-to store for all things ruffly.
Gilded- Or, in layman's terms, gold. Whether you wear it as an accessory or an embellishment, it's a timeless trend that just won't go away. I'm really into chunky gold accessories myself, like these Gold Dipped Leaf Earrings from Lillian Ray. (Sidenote: Lillian Ray takes custom orders, so if you see something gold--or not--that you like, feel free to request a custom item.)
Houndstooth- Something about this trends screams Cruella Deville from 101 Dalmations, but I love it! This cropped jacket from JCPenney offers a more muted version of what can be a loud fashion statement.
Indigo- Blue--or some shade thereof--looks good on just about anyone, and the good news is you can find articles of clothing in a blue hue just about anywhere. If you're looking to be bold in your use of the color, why not try blue mascara or eyeliner. Benefit Cosmetics BadGal Lash Mascara in Blue makes eyes of any color pop.
Joan Jett- Never have, never will be a fan of the rocker chic look. Nuf said.
Kisses- I think Zee was grasping at straws on this one. Come on! Kisses-- as in LIPS-- on clothing, purses and shoes?? Have we suddenly warped back to the 8th grade? I think I just saw Hello Kitty!
Luxe Hippy- According to Zee, the Luxe Hippy look is defined by "modern pieces adorned with lacing, tassels and organic elements." I'm not sure if this is exactly what he had in mind, but I have noticed that ponchos are making a comback this season, and I kinda like it. Yeah... that probably doesn't count. You're on your own with this one.
Menswear- Well, at least we're ending on a good note. Menswear has been big for a few seasons now, and as long as you wear it right, it adds a clean, crisp look to any outfit. Forever 21 has a boyfriend blazer I've had my eye on for quite some time. Don't be put off by how it looks in the picture online. I've seen it in the store and on a friend or two, and it looks great!
Well, there you go. Fall fashion from A to M by Zee. Tune in tomorrow for trends N-Z. Now, I've gotta go...crossing off "write blog entry" from my to-do list as we speak.
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
*Photo courtesy of Elle.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Letters To My Former Self: Breaking Up Is Hard To Do This Well

As promised, here is the first installment of Letters To My Former Self. I have to admit, re-reading my old journal entries has been much more emotional than I thought it would be. Old hurts--even ones from what seems like another lifetime--can still sting pretty bad. This entry is from November 2, 2007. My heart had been unexpectedly broken only two days earlier...
Dear Diary,
I just spent the last two months of my life in an amazing relationship. He walked into my life on August 26 and walked out on October 31. Short, yes, but during those two months, the Lord showed me an earthly picture of how much HE loves me, and the Lord truly my relationship with Jacob to draw me closer to HIM....which in many ways, makes the break-up all the more confusing.
Before I met Jacob, I was completely open to whatever God had for me in the future--relationship or no relationship. And once the two of us started spending time together, I felt (for the first time in any relationship that I've ever been in) that I had completely surrendered our relationship to God's control. I cannot describe to you the peace and assurance I had that God had placed Jacob in my life, and here I am two months later feeling confused, scared and not all assured or peaceful.
While I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God can turn everything around for HIS glory, I have no clue how any of this is going to turn out or why all of this had to happen. Still, I know that despite my confusion, uncertainty and pain, I'm exactly where HE wants me...
-The End
A bit of background for you: Almost two years before I met Jacob, I had been happily engaged in a three year long relationship with a guy who I thought I was going to marry...Until one day when he announced in the car on the way to church that he was "having some doubts about our relationship." It was very reminiscent of "Red Light" by David Nails, and we were broken up by lunchtime that day.
Since that relationship, I had been "serious" with one other guy, who strung me along for seven months before announcing in April (2007) that he would be moving to San Francisco in May. Needless to say that love had not been kind to me over the past few years, and Jacob's email saying he "couldn't explain why, but he didn't want to date me anymore" was the final blow to my already bleeding heart.
But enough of my sob story...So what would I have told myself then, if I'd known what I know now. Well, for starters, I would have said: "You go, Girl!" I admire my resolve in trusting the Lord even though I didn't understand my circumstances and couldn't see what the purpose behind them were.
Second, I would encourage myself to stay the course and continue learning who it was (is?) that the Lord wanted me to be then and in the future. Ironically, I just got finished listening to a sermon on the character qualities of a mature, Godly woman. As I think back to that period of time in my life, I'm sad to say that I may have exhibited more maturity and Godliness then, than I sometimes do now.
Third, I would have given myself a big hug and a gentle reminder that: "Cling to Jesus, guard your heart, and wait patiently. This too shall pass. God is for our good, and there's a tall, dark and handsome man waiting for you a few months down the road..."
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
PS- That's "former me" one week before the breakup. "Former Jacob" is cropped out. =)
Friday, October 16, 2009
As you know, I've been debating doing this for quite some time, but my mind was officially made up after discovering Gwen Bell and her adorably informative website.
More on this evolving project later, but for now, keep checking Happily Ever After!
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
PS- Just read Gwen's guidelines for creating a personal manifesto... This might be my first step in putting TheStyleGeek together.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The Material Girl's Parable

I think Jesus is speaking directly to shopaholics in Luke 12:16-21:
16And he told them this parable: "The ground of a certain rich man produced a good crop.
17He thought to himself, 'What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.'
18"Then he said, 'This is what I'll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods.
19And I'll say to myself, "You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry." '
20"But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?'
21"This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God."
I'm so guilty of acting like the rich man in this parable. Bigger barn? How about bigger closet or larger house?
However, in true form, Jesus hits the nail on the head by reminding us that life is fleeting and we can't take our possessions with us. Being "rich in God" is all that lasts forever. Enough said.
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Introducing the Happily Ever After Book Club

I was trolling the internet, looking for something to write about tonight, when low and behold, I found Nina Sankovitch and her quest to read one book a day and blog about it for an entire year.
The entire story can be found here; but it seems like the intellectual's version of Julie and Julia. (I loved that movie, by the way.)
My friend Maggie sent me an article called Born Cheap a few weeks ago. The article's author asserts that whether you are a spender or a saver is a genetic trait you inherit from birth. While the entire article extols the virtues of being cheap, it ends by encouraging the reader that "whether you’re a spender or a saver, you should accept this trait rather than struggle against it—then find a way to live a financially manageable life." I guess I'm still grappling with my genetic makeup to figure out the best way to do that...
I love reading articles like these, and to be quite honest, Mrs. Sankovitch's year long reading binge has a certain amount of appeal to me. (Or maybe it's just the fact that she had to hire a maid to help her out with the housework...) Unfortunately, reading is a lost art in today's society. The death of print media is one of the biggest indicators of this fact. We read to grab the information we need and then flip the page (or more than likely, click through) to the next page.
So, in my own personal crusade to bring reading back (not to be confused with bringing sexy back...though I'd gladly do it if JT was my partner) I am starting the Happily Ever After Book Club. Every month I will announce a new book, divide the number of chapters in the book by the number of weeks in that month and commit to writing about what I'm reading about once a week. Additionally, I'd love it if you guys would join me in my venture, suggest books you'd like to read--and read with me!
Let's start our first book in November, and let's start "small." I'd like to read Tim Gunn's Guide to Quality, Taste & Style. There's nine chapters in the book and four weeks in November--that's two chapters the first three weeks and three chapters the last week. I know that November is the start of the holiday season, but come on, guys: It's fashion, not rocket science!
I'll be writing my book report every Wednesday, starting November 11, and I expect to hear from each of you who choose to read along as well. The book is available at Amazon for $12.98.
So get ready, get set...READ!!!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
The Power of a Daddy

Today is Monday, and you know what that means: DANCING WITH THE STARS!!!!!! I just watched Melissa and Mark's performance, and once again, I was giddy as a school girl. Who knew Sabrina the Teenage Witch could dance a mean Charleston?
Today is also my dad's birthday. I could write a novel about my father. I'd start with his work ethic and end with his determination to provide a better life for his children than he had himself. Somewhere in the middle, I'd talk about how freely my dad shows his love to my mother, brother and I--something that is counter to our culture's definition of "masculinity." And yet, my dad is the most macho guy I know. (Sorry, Husband.)
Oddly enough (but not so oddly that I can't turn it into a nice transition), I was just listening to a sermon in which the pastor was talking about the importance of a father in determining a woman's view of herself. The pastor asserted that a woman who grew up without a stable, loving father-figure is more likely to constantly seek the approval of the opposite sex in her adult life. On the other hand, a woman who was raised by a father who affirmed her and demonstrated his love on a regular basis is more likely to grow up to be a confident, well-adjusted individual.
Of course there are exceptions to every rule; but I've seen enough examples of the aforementioned statements in my friend's lives, as well as my own, to know that the pastor's statements are more than just religious conjecture. Our fathers play a huge role in defining our self-concept and who we grow up to be. So isn't it comforting to know that regardless of how our earthly fathers measure up, all of us have a flawless Heavenly Father who knit us together in our mother's womb, making us fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalms 139: 13-14)
When was the last time you looked in the mirror and thought those things about yourself rather than breathing a collective sigh of disgust over your hips, butt and thighs? How would we conduct ourselves differently if we lived for God's approval rather than the approval of our parents, spouses, significant others or friends?
To bring this entry full circle, I'll end by saying this: Regardless of what your relationship with your dad was like growing up, all of us were created in the image of an all-powerful, all-knowing and all-loving Heavenly Father who asks nothing else from us but to love Him and accept His Son.
And now back to my dad:
Daddy, Thank you for being the perfect picture of a man, a husband and a father. You are still the standard by which I judge every man, and I will forever be your little girl. I love you!
-Your Little Princess
PS- For those of you who haven't put two and two together, that's daddy's little girl above...=)
Sunday, October 11, 2009
New Blog Series: Letters To My Former Self
Second, I wanted to introduce a new series of entries that I will be posting on here every Sunday (starting next week). The series is called "Letters To My Former Self" because it's based on my old journal entries. (In case you didn't know, I've kept one since I was in second grade.) In the posts, I'll re-write an excerpt from an old entry and give myself advice--sort of a "what I would have done then, if I'd only known what I know now" thing. Hopefully that makes sense. I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. Thanks to my friend Valery for the awesome idea!
Two more things before I go:
1.) I broke down and bought a Blackberry this weekend. I'm now virtually connected in literally every way imaginable. I'm sure I'll be posting tips and tricks I discover on here from time to time, but for now, fellow Blackberry users, take a look at Laptop Magazine's Top 10 Blackberry Apps. I'm rapidly becoming an UberTwitterer myself...
2.) Not sure if you've seen the cover of the November issue of Lucky but Rachel Bilson (my personal style icon) is wearing a boiled wool military jacket by Gary Graham. Her jacket rings up at $845, but you can find a similar knock off at Forever 21 for only $24.80.
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
Thursday, October 8, 2009
All I Want For Christmas

If you're the queen (or king) of self-portraits like me, the Samsung DualViewTL225 is your new best friend. The camera has a 1.5-inch LCD screen on the front, making it easy to see whether or not you're cutting off your significant other's head. Asking price? $349.99
Every time I see my friends pull out their iPhone 3Gs, I turn Kermit-the-Frog green with envy. And as everyone knows, it's not easy being green--especially when you're locked into a two-year service contract with Verizon. However, the Samsung Omnia 2 seems like it might turn my skin back to its original (pale) color. The touch screen smartphone from Verizon comes with eight GB of memory, Windows Mobile, Wi-Fi and a GPS. If you add all those features up, it might be worth the $669.91 price tag (on Amazon.com). Let's hope I'm eligible for an upgrade by December!
I love mini things. (Probably because I'm only five-foot-two myself.) So, it goes without saying that I love the Dell Mini Netbook. I know it doesn't do everything that a true techie would want, but in Dell's own words, it's "perfect for surfing the web, streaming media content, emailing friends and family and blogging about it all." That's pretty much my daily personal computer usage in a nutshell, and it's teeny-tiny size and vibrant colors make it the perfect travel accessory! For a starting price of $199, I'm ordering mine in "promise pink" today!
Not that I want to give Husband one more opportunity to play video games, but I have to say that the Sony PSP Go does look pretty sweet. (Think Nintendo GameBoy on Speed.) Sony even developed the PSP Go Minis store, similar to the iPhone App Store for games. (I wonder if they have Mario Kart??) Unfortunately, the online reviews of the PSP Go say that it's not worth the $250.
If none of these gadgets suit you, check out CNET.com's Fall Tech Preview. There's a ton of toys for every type of techie (Whoa! Tongue twister!) including the coolest looking sedan I've ever seen, the 2010 Porsche Panamera. At $89,800, Santa's sure to drop one down my chimney, right?
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

David Letterman fans beware: I've always preferred Leno. I think my friend Valery put it best when she asked: "Since when did cheating on your wife become funny?" Well, Valery, I suppose since America's favorite late-night talk show host did it and confessed to it in an oh-so-witty-way on national television.
I won't lie, what Letterman did was a brilliant PR move on his (or his "rep's") part. In fact, body language expert and Huffington Post blogger Patti Wood said she was "awed by his near perfect example of how to handle a crisis." Stunning crisis communication tactics aside, I am appalled by what Letterman did and even more so by our nation's response.
Five point seven million Americans tuned their television to CBS on Thursday night, when Letterman broke the news of his misconduct, and 5.9 million viewers watched his show on Monday night to see if there would be any fall-out or follow-up. What is wrong with our society when we not only pardon, but very literally applaud, a man who has an extramarital affair??
Then again, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. This is the same society that watches My Super Sweet Sixteen, idolizes Lindsey Lohan and pays money to attend Marilyn Manson concerts. Those of you who know me know that I'm just as guilty of idolizing celebrities as anyone, but there comes a point when even the most star-struck of us all can no longer turn our heads when basic morality is being violated. Or, in this case, we can simply turn the channel.
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
P.S.- If you're looking for a good laugh at another celebutard's expense, check out Nancy Grace stickin' it to Jon Gosselin.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
A Lump of Kohls

The last time I visited a Kohls, was about two years ago when I was still living in North Carolina. I remember being disappointed in the selection and thinking that the quality of their clothing was pretty poor. Since that last trip, the store has added clothing lines from Vera Wang, Lauren Conrad and Elle Magazine. Therefore, I walked into the newly opened Kohls in my area this past weekend with high hopes of finding fashion-for-less.
Unfortunately, my shopping trip left me with a less-than-favorable impression of the retailer, once again. Much like I remembered, the racks were filled with cotton-rayon-nylon blends that you just know will shrink or become pilled after one wash. The oversized sweaters (which the store had an abundance of) looked cheap as did pretty much everything in the Junior's department--and seriously, who calls it a Junior's department anymore? I feel immature just saying that I shop in that section! (FYI- The picture at the top was the "hottest" find in the Junior's section. Did you know there's such a thing as ruched python leggings??)
Even the "designer" labels were disappointing. Vera Wang's Simply Vera line was simply awful; and both Lauren Conrad's and Elle's clothing lines were unoriginal at best--something I'd expect from LC, but not from one of the largest fashion magazines in the world.
I did manage to find a few items in the shoe department worth sharing with you guys (posted below), but even they aren't worth paying full price for. Personally, I doubt I'll be making a return trip any time soon.
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
Shoes worth noting:
1. Dana Buchman Purple Alexandria Pumps
2. Simply Vera Margarit Platforms
3. Elle Gisela Dress Heels
Sunday, October 4, 2009

I wasn't sure if I should post this...in a way, this woman is my competition. However, I have an obligation to you, my faithful readers, to share the fabulous things I find--particularly when they are fashion related and under $100!!!!
Fashion blogger Lilliana Vasquez describes herself as someone who "loves designer denim, lusts after “it” bags and can’t live without James Perse, but the difference is I find other ways of getting it (or very close versions of it) without spending my entire paycheck."
Now that's my kind of girl!!!! Check the site out for yourself, but check back tomorrow for my review of Kohls fall fashion repertoire...or lack thereof. I guarantee that I'm still the cheaper chica! =)
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
Happy Birthday, Mommy!

Today is my mom's birthday. Words can't express how much I wish that I lived close enough to celebrate with her, but the reality of our lives right now is that we are more than a few time zones apart. Therefore, I will do the best that I can to celebrate her life and all that she means to me in this entry--though words really can't express that either.
When I was growing up, my mom had a mug with a picture of a woman with curlers in her hair, laying prostrate on a couch. Beside the woman was a vacuum and a cluttered floor. The caption on the mug read "Sometimes the handles of reality seem a little slippery to Helen." As a kid, I failed to understand why mom loved--and even seemed to identify--with that mug. Now that I'm married, I'm beginning to comprehend half of the mug's meaning to my mother. (The other half will come when I have children, I think.)
As women, we often (willingly or unwillingly) sacrifice ourselves at the altar of our families. My was (and still is) the perfect example of someone who freely gave of herself, her time, her money and even the shirt off her back (which I often stole from her closet when she wasn't looking) so that my dad, brother and I could live a comfortable existance.
Growing up, there weren't too many nights when a made-from-scratch dinner wasn't on the table between 5-6 p.m. (Sometimes I'm lucky if take-out from the local Chinese food joint makes it onto a TV tray by 8 p.m.) I can't recall the laundry ever piling up in our house. (As I type, I'm staring at an overflowing hamper.) And I don't remember hearing her complain even once when purchasing new "back-to-school" outfits for me meant that she would be wearing the same wardrobe for the third year in a row. (To this day, mom marvels at what a shop-a-holic I am.)
If you asked her, she'd deny all of this and say that she's "far from perfect." (I can literally hear those words coming out of her mouth right now.) Interestingly enough, she'd also tell you that one of her biggest regrets is not having any direction (a.k.a.- a "thing") in life. (Sound familiar?) But that's not how I see it. Her "thing" is our family and she excels at putting us first.
So, today on her XX birthday (number erased to protect the innocent), I celebrate her and her selflessness.
Mom, I love you. I couldn't have asked for a better example of what it means to be a Godly wife and mother. If I turn out to be half the woman you are, then I'll count my life as a true success. Consider this post a virtual hug from me (and The Far Side) to you.
Your Jennysue
Friday, October 2, 2009
Be Near Oh God
All too often, we turn to God when things are going wrong, but fail to draw close to Him when everything is going well. This song is a great reminder that nothing in this world--even the most awesome seasons of life--can compare to "being near" to our Savior.
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
Be Near
by Shane & Shane
Based on Psalms 73:28; 139
You are all
big and small
and wonderful
to trust in grace through faith
but i'm asking to taste...
for dark is light to You
depths are height to You
far is near
but Lord, i need to hear from You
be near, oh God
be near, oh God of us
Your nearness is to us our good
be near, oh God
be near, oh God of us
Your nearness is to us our good, our good
Your fullness is mine
revelation divine
but, o, to taste
to know much more than a page
to feel Your embrace...
for dark is light to You
the depths are height to You
far is near, but Lord
i need to hear from You
be near, oh God
be near, oh God of us
Your nearness is to us our good
be near, oh God
be near, oh God of us
Your nearness is to us our good, our good
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Maybe Crockpotting Is My Thing
Right now, I wanted to take a few minutes to talk more about my post In Search of My Thing. As a result of a random work experiment, I uploaded the post to Facebook, and I honestly had no idea that it would elicit the response that it did. I figured that, if anything, people would find my entry a bit of a downer and a good reason to stop--or never even start--reading my blog. Therefore, I was astonished to find that not only did people send words of encouragement my way (on here and on Facebook), but some of you indicated that you identified with how I felt.
I've been thinking about all of your comments over the past 24 hours and here's what I've concluded: Every one of us, at one time or another, feels inadequate in some way. Whether that feeling comes from not having a "thing"-- or not--it is always the result of a lie that is put in our head by Satan. My friend Mary (of Mary's Monday Musicology fame) put it best when she said that Satan doesn't want us to feel adequate because, "We aren't as vulnerable to his lies when we find our purpose and discover the gifts God has given ALL of us."
And He HAS given all of us a gift. It's simply our job to pursue the Lord and trust that He will reveal what "thing" He has called us to do during our time on earth. Maybe you'll find that you aren't called to do just one "thing." Maybe, as my friend Melanie said, your "thing" is to be "well-rounded" (a.k.a- a fabulously energetic multi-tasker). It doesn't matter, as long as you are well-rounded and fabulously energetic for His glory.
I'm still not sure what the Lord has planned for my life--or even for this blog--and I'm not planning to give up the search for my "thing." I do, however, plan to take the advice of Paul in 1 Corinthians 10:31: "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." I hope that those of you who identified with my post will shake off the discouragement (like I'm trying to do) and lock arms with me in serving our Savior-- the only "thing" that really matters in the first place.
(Sidenote: The comments I received on the aforementioned post came from people in four different states, who I have known in three different stages of my life: high school, college and engagement/marriage. To me, that is the perfect example of the power of internet to intertwine our lives with the lives of others whose paths we normally would not cross. End sidenote.)
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
(Crock pot recipe below)
Come-Back-For-More Barbecued Chicken
(courtesy of Fix It and Forget It!)
6-8 chicken breast halves
1 cup ketchup
1/3 cup Worchestershire sauce
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tsp. chili powder
1/2 cup water
1. Place chicken in slow cooker
2. Whisk remaining ingredients in a large bowl. Pour sauce mixture over chicken.
3. Cover and cook on Low for 6-8 hours, or until chicken is tender but not overcooked.
4. If chicken begins to dry out while cooking, stir in another 1/2 cup water
Makes 6-8 servings
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Check It Out!
Short post tonight, as it's Bible Study Wednesday. We went over 1 Peter 4. I highly suggest that you guys check it out if you get a chance. Lots of stuff about using the trials and tribulations of life to glorify God. Good stuff.
Speaking of good stuff, my boss sent me and a few other co-workers (and fellow believers) his father's blog today. In a normal work situation, I would humor my boss by reading a few of his dad's blog entries and shooting him a quick email saying "how much I enjoyed the entries" and "what a talented writer his father is." In this case, however, my boss is also a good friend of mine and I trust his judgment on what is or is not worth reading...not to mention the fact that the blog is well-written and thought-provoking. Larry, the author/my boss's father, puts scripture in the first person and accompanies each verse with a short devotional, a question to ponder and a prayer. I, myself, am planning to check the blog every morning when I get to work as inspiration for my day. (Bonus: I don't think I can get in trouble for reading my boss's Dad's blog on company time!) You guys should definitely check it out as well: http://god2me.wordpress.com/
The other thing you (ladies) should take a look at is Michael Buble's video for his new song "Haven't Met You Yet." Love him! Love it!!
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
In Search of My Thing
Second of all, what a pleasant surprise to log on tonight and see that my last post received three comments! Many thanks to Ashlie, Mike and Morgan for giving me such a warm, fuzzy feeling!!!
I needed that "warm fuzzy" this evening, as I'm having one of those days when I just don't feel very "good" at anything. It seems like everyone I know has a "thing"--except for me. Honestly, I'm noticing more and more how talented my friends and family are in one area or another and how positively average I am in, well, pretty much everything.
For instance, my friend Maggie is one of the most intelligent women I know, particularly in the area of education policy. My knowledge of education policy goes as deep as the tidbit of information I just gleaned from Jay Leno's opening act about how Obama wants to keep schools open later on weeknights and open them up on weekends in order for America's youth to have a safe (educational) place to go to at any given time.
Or, what about my friend Mary who works at Warner Bros. Records and writes an awesome blog called Mary's Monday Musicology. Not only do I love the artists she recommends, but I'd love to be able to make my blog look that professional. Wait! Don't I work in the tech industry? Shouldn't I at least be good at designing my own blog?! Ugh! This entry just keeps getting more and more depressing!
Maggie and Mary are only two examples of people I know who have their very own "thing." My friend Beth makes jewelry, my friend Justin is an artist, my mother-in-law cooks, my dad hunts... you get the picture.
So where does all of this leave me? (Other than sounding like a broken record. I know I talk about stuff like this all the time.) To be honest, I'm not sure. I don't foresee my desire to find something that I'm good at going away any time soon; but I do know that every time I start getting down about not having a "thing," the Lord puts some type of a reminder in front of me about where my true identity should come from.
Tonight's reminder came from the book I'm (re) reading, Disciplines of a Godly Woman by Barbara Hughes:
"The woman clothed in strength and dignity will behave in a manner worthy of her honored position. She knows who she is and she carries herself with assurance--not to impress or intimidate anyone but to honor her Creator and Redeemer."
A great reminder for everyone-- whether you have a "thing" or not.
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
Monday, September 28, 2009
I Wanna Dance With Somebody!
Husband and I went dancing this weekend. Just the two of us, out for a night on the town.
I said all of this to say that whether I'm watching it on TV or doing it myself, dancing makes me happy. What is it that makes you happy? Whatever it is: Find it, watch it, do it. Now.
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
P.S.- Mya and Donny Osmond were absolutely divine (Yes. I said divine.) as well!!!!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
New Music From Old Faves
Through the magic of Twitter I found John Mayer's new single as well as a new (partial) song from Dave Barnes. (Yes, I'm doing some tweeting these days. And yes, I realize it's virtually--pun intended--pointless.)
I'm far from a music critic, but Mayer's new song sounds a lot like some of the tracks from his Continuum album, namely Heart of Life. The difference is that the new track, entitled Who Says, is all about "getting stoned"--something Mayer's been an advocate of for quite a while and I myself find to be his most morally repugnant trait. Still, I like the song (mainly because I love him) and I'm giddy with anticipation of his new album being released on November 17.
As for Dave Barnes new song, it's also very similar to his old stuff. However, I started listening to Dave in 2006 and have had his first CD (from 2006) playing continuously in my car stereo for the past month. Songs like "Until You" and "Crazyboutya" never get old! Very glad to hear he's back in the studio again. (If you've never heard of Dave, I highly suggest you check out him and his music: www.davebarnes.com. You can listen to songs from his most recent album on his website.)
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
Friday, September 25, 2009
Friday Favor

I'm sure you guys have an incredibly busy weekend planned, but if you get a free minute, do me a favor and visit the GAP Casting Call website to vote for my little buddy Ashton P. to win the Baby GAP modeling contest. Believe it or not, Ashton is actually even cuter than that picture (if it gets any cuter than those baby blues and that popped collar).
In case you can't tell from the picture, Ashton's parents are incredibly talented photographers. I would recommend their work to anyone and everyone who appreciates the value of "capturing life" as it happens.
Thanks in advance for voting!
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Kirk Cameron Versus Charles Darwin
In true liberal media fashion, the People.com author attempted to make it seem like Cameron's beliefs are outlandish. The article even quoted a professor from the University of California, Berkeley, who said: "The two kinds of people who believe that religion and evolution can not coexist are extreme atheists and extreme religious fundamentalists. Everyone else doesn't really have a problem. [A majority] of Americans believe that a belief in god is compatible with evolution."
Well, I hate to break it to that guy, but the heartbreaking reality is that the majority of Americans are also going to spend eternity in Hell. I'm even more convinced of the veracity of that statement after I Googled "Kirk Cameron, Origin of the Species" and saw some of the horrible comments about Cameron, Christianity and God that were posted on other websites. Like I said: heartbreaking.
I've debated whether or not I should be so blatantly honest about my beliefs in this blog. I'm far from perfect (ask Husband, my closest friends and my co-workers) and would hardly consider myself educated about the merits of creation vs. evolution. But to be honest, I don't really think that's the crux of the matter. Don't get me wrong, I believe that God created this world and everything in it (including us); but I don't think that someone will or won't go to heaven based on whether or not they believe in creation.
The real issue here is that more often than not, people who believe evolutionary theory do not believe in God, much less that Jesus was God's son who died to save us from our sins and eternal separation from God. There's a reason why John 3:16 is the first verse they have you memorize in Sunday School: "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
The message is that simple. All other beliefs pale in comparison to the greatness of knowing the Lord.
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
PS- I plan to purchase a copy of Cameron's refutation of Darwin's theory. I'll let you guys know where you can find it too.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Why I "Heart" Williams-Sonoma
Today, however, my trip to the mailbox yielded a much better return than I anticipated. Crate & Barrel catalog. JCrew catalog. And the crowning glory of them all: the Williams-Sonoma catalog. Surprised? You thought I'd say JCrew, didn't you? Don't get me wrong, the bright cardis and matchstick cords do put a smile on my face, but there's something about Williams-Sonoma that warms my heart. Just walking in the store from October 1st-December 31st makes me feel festive. So, as soon as I saw the cover of the catalog, my mind thought "FALL" and my fingers flipped through the pages.
This month's catalog channels its inner Julia Child and brings us The Best of France, even printing a recipe for beef bourguignonne. I'll admit, it's a shameless way for the store to piggy-back on the success of the movie Julie & Julia (if you saw the movie, you know what I mean) but nonetheless, I am going to ask for a bright red Le Creuset cocotte and a copy of Mastering the Art of French Cooking, for Christmas.
For those of you who don't get the catalog, I'll list a few of the highlights (including the beef bourguignonne recipe) below. Who knows? You might want to ask Santa for a few of these items yourself.
Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn
Williams-Sonoma Top Five
1.) Slide Frittata Pan
2.) Halloween Pancake Molds
3.) Three Tier Oven Rack
4.) Personalized Recipe and Entertaining Journal
5.) Beef bourguignonne
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Keywords, SERPs and a Higher Purpose
Seriously, there's an inordinate amount of information floating around out there about how to make your blog show up in the SERP (search engine results page) that someone sees when they Google a related keyword. This way, people you don't know can find and follow your blog. (Sidenote: Some of you are social workers or nurses who help people everyday in your line of work. I learn cool terms like SERP so that I can impress all of you with my "stunning intellect.")
I won't lie. It would be great (a.k.a. A huge ego boost) to have a lot of random people I dont know read my writing, but that's not the purpose of my entries. And maybe that's why I was feeling so much pressure to optimize this thing: I had simply gotten away from my purpose. I started this blog to encourage others through sharing stories about my life and how the Lord is working in it. But like I often do, I lost sight of that goal and started to pursue what the world thought I should acheive. (Apparently, this blog is a metaphor for my life.)
So, let this entry and my past week of blog posts (or lack thereof) serve as a reminder that when we get too far away from what we were created to do--glorify and honor God in all things--everything, even blog entries, starts to fall apart. Maybe this blog won't show up in the SERPs and maybe I'll never have more than a handful of followers (who I am very thankful for, by the way) but hopefully I'll look back on whatever this blogging project turns out to be and say that above all else, it served a purpose. And shouldn't that be something we all strive for?
Until tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn