Monday, September 28, 2009

I Wanna Dance With Somebody!

Have I mentioned that Dancing with the Stars is my FAVORITE SHOW EVER!!??!!?? I've never watched a show that brings me so much joy. Seriously. Sometimes my toes literally start to wiggle when I'm watching the couples dance. I'm a little over halfway through tonight's performances; and I have to say that even if I found Aaron Carter's assertion that he and partner Karina Smirnoff will win the competition more than a bit presumptuous, their dance this evening was amazing.

Husband and I went dancing this weekend. Just the two of us, out for a night on the town. I like to delude myself into thinking that I'm a good dancer, but I'm really not. In fact, as I was cutting the proverbial rug on Saturday night, I kept having these out-of-body experiences and thinking "What are these people watching me dance, saying about me?" I'm sure that I don't want to know, but honestly, I couldn't care less.

I said all of this to say that whether I'm watching it on TV or doing it myself, dancing makes me happy. What is it that makes you happy? Whatever it is: Find it, watch it, do it. Now.

Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn

P.S.- Mya and Donny Osmond were absolutely divine (Yes. I said divine.) as well!!!!!


  1. Dancing it great- I do agree. Attitude and enjoyment of it is everything (and you got it girl :)

  2. If I did not know you, I'd think you were a flamboyantly gay man! ;-)

    You write with the fervor of a West Hollywood Cafe on a Friday during lunch...

    Keep it up! :-)

  3. I am so bummed I have not seen one episode this season. I used to be a loyal fan. I just find it hard to devote so much time to a tv show. They could cut the 2 hour result show by 1 hour and 55 minutes!

  4. Ashlie- I WISH I could dance as well as you.

    Mike- Thanks for the kind words! Congrats on the job!

    Morgan- I never watch the results show... you are right. WAY too long!
