Tuesday, September 29, 2009

In Search of My Thing

First of all, for those of you who think the title of this entry sounds a bit inappropriate...get your minds out of the gutter!

Second of all, what a pleasant surprise to log on tonight and see that my last post received three comments! Many thanks to Ashlie, Mike and Morgan for giving me such a warm, fuzzy feeling!!!

I needed that "warm fuzzy" this evening, as I'm having one of those days when I just don't feel very "good" at anything. It seems like everyone I know has a "thing"--except for me. Honestly, I'm noticing more and more how talented my friends and family are in one area or another and how positively average I am in, well, pretty much everything.

For instance, my friend Maggie is one of the most intelligent women I know, particularly in the area of education policy. My knowledge of education policy goes as deep as the tidbit of information I just gleaned from Jay Leno's opening act about how Obama wants to keep schools open later on weeknights and open them up on weekends in order for America's youth to have a safe (educational) place to go to at any given time.

Or, what about my friend Mary who works at Warner Bros. Records and writes an awesome blog called Mary's Monday Musicology. Not only do I love the artists she recommends, but I'd love to be able to make my blog look that professional. Wait! Don't I work in the tech industry? Shouldn't I at least be good at designing my own blog?! Ugh! This entry just keeps getting more and more depressing!

Maggie and Mary are only two examples of people I know who have their very own "thing." My friend Beth makes jewelry, my friend Justin is an artist, my mother-in-law cooks, my dad hunts... you get the picture.

So where does all of this leave me? (Other than sounding like a broken record. I know I talk about stuff like this all the time.) To be honest, I'm not sure. I don't foresee my desire to find something that I'm good at going away any time soon; but I do know that every time I start getting down about not having a "thing," the Lord puts some type of a reminder in front of me about where my true identity should come from.

Tonight's reminder came from the book I'm (re) reading, Disciplines of a Godly Woman by Barbara Hughes:

"The woman clothed in strength and dignity will behave in a manner worthy of her honored position. She knows who she is and she carries herself with assurance--not to impress or intimidate anyone but to honor her Creator and Redeemer."

A great reminder for everyone-- whether you have a "thing" or not.

Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn


  1. I love this post and totally relate. You're thinking- but wait, she makes jewelry...

    Well, I didn't start doing that until about a year ago and so maybe it has become my "thing" from the outside to some people. However, I definitely don't find my worth in it (thank goodness). You hit the nail on the head- we should be striving to honor our Creator and find worth in Him.

    AND...you do have many gifts that could be considered your "things"

    Can't wait to chat sometime soon.

  2. Jenn, I don't understand this post. You're a gifted journalist and writer, something you could very easily do with a blog. You also have experiences personally that you've used to impact the lives of others and your own life positively. I'm not sure why you think these aren't your thing?

  3. I'm like you--I do a lot of things, but I don't feel like I'm particularly great at any one thing. I feel like you really have to commit yourself and time to become great at something(unless you just happen to be naturally great at it).But I have a problem with commitment, and I like change...keeps things exciting- I'm always up for new adventures. Maybe my "thing" is being able to do a lot of things and juggle everything ;)

  4. I will totally help you make your blog all pretty! Its super easy but I had to ask so many people to help me.

    None of us has it figured out. Let's phone chat soon ;)
