Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Favorite Things About 9/9/09

1.) Rediscovering old music I'd forgotten about. (Thanks Pandora!) Check out "A Beautiful Mess" by Jason Mraz

2.) Buying the earrings I've been wanting from my friend Beth's jewelry company, Lillian Ray.

3.) Learning new things at work. "The Presentation Cookbook" will help all of my fellow right-brained thinkers and "What's With All the Dates?" will be of service to you left-brainers.

4.) Listening to online sermons from my old church in Raleigh, Providence Baptist. I highly recommend the one on Biblical Romance.

5.) Receiving my first Shop It To Me sale alert email.

Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn


  1. yay! Wish we could hang out this weekend. Thanks for the lovely medicine advice yesterday. I didnt read the label and I will have to tell you what it did to me :o)

  2. Trust me when I say that RueLala puts Shop it to me to shame...I'll send you the invite link, it's amazing! Anytime I wanted to buy something on Shop it to me, it was always sold out:(

  3. Beth- So much fun hanging out! So sorry about the medicine...... I don't ever read warning labels... maybe I should

    Stephanie- That's disappointing to hear about Shop It To Me. I had high hopes. Looking forward to RueLala!
