Tuesday, October 20, 2009

(Great ?)Thoughts on a Great Day

Today has been a great day. I got a lot done at work and around the house. I learned some new "tech" stuff (more about that in a minute) and four Holiday catalogs arrived in the mail!!

In fact, today has been such a good day, and I am in such a great mood that I didn't even get upset a few minutes ago when hot oil splashed on my shirt--more than likely ruining it. In the grand scheme of things, losing a shirt is not that big of a big deal. (Plus, I bought it at Target for $12, and it's my own d*mn fault for not wearing an apron while cooking.) So, to congratulate myself on a day well done (and a winning attitude), I've poured myself a glass of wine and I'm sitting down to chat with all of you while Husband is working late.

I mentioned above that I learned a few new tech-related things today. More specifically, I met with Michael, a.k.a the social media manager for HP Software. While ingesting some awesome Mediterranean food over lunch, Michael gave me tons of pointers for how to brand myself and my new website, TheStyleGeek.com (shameless plug, I know). For the rest of the afternoon, I mulled over what Michael said and some of the key things he asked me to consider before launching my website: What name am I going to use to brand myself? Who is my target audience? And, most importantly, what is my goal?

All of Michael's questions made me ask myself this one: Why do I want to have my own website in the first place? Is it money? Fame? Authority? Maybe. But when I really boil it down, I think the reason I want to have my own website--or even just keep writing this blog--is the same reason that anyone else writes for the web: I want to have a voice.

Life moves so fast, and all too often, we (particularly we women) lose ourselves and our identity in the things we do and the people we love. While I'm happy to relinquish it, I've felt a part of my identity slowly slipping away since I got married. (I suppose that's part of the whole "two become one" thing.) I'm sure I'll feel an even stronger sense of "loss" when I have children.

So, to bring this already long entry full circle, I suppose the reason that I want to blog, launch my own website and send my thoughts out into the world wide web is because at the end of the day, I just want to be heard; and I really can't thank you all enough for listening!

Until Tomorrow,
Jennifer Lynn

P.S.- Fall Fashion N to Z from Zee will continue tomorrow...Don't worry! I haven't forgotten!


  1. preach it sister! :)
    writing is where i find my voice because you're right--in all the love we give, knowing what we have to say and/or having the time to say it seems to pass or get forgotten.
    i created my place in space for the very same reasons.
    lets make like cows and get branded!

  2. Last line of that comment is my new favorite quote!!
